
About the DiToM project

Diagnostic Tools in Mathematics (DiToM) is an ERASMUS + project funded by the European Union, in which European universities from Bielefeld (D - coordinator), Paris (F), Rhodes/ Ioannina/ Athens (GR), Bolzano-Bressanone (I), Rijeka (HR) and Vaxjö (S) as well as the Association of Spanish Mathematics Teachers from Andujar (E) are working together. During the project period from 2023 to 2025, five diagnostic screening tests will be developed to assess basic skills in arithmetic and algebra every two years (starting at the beginning of primary school and then focusing on the transitions from grades 2 to 3, 4 to 5, 6 to 7 and 8 to 9). The screening tests help teachers to identify students who lack basic mathematical skills in arithmetic and algebra as these students most likely will experience severe difficulties with their further mathematics learning, as they not yet have acquired the precursor skills for the new content. A focus on arithmetic and algebra was chosen because those content areas are structured very much hierarchically, hence knowledge gaps and learning difficulties with respect to content being taught already, will most likely hinder further learning.

The five screening tests help teachers to identify students who need immediate support in learning content that they have not mastered yet, but that is fundamental for learning the content of the year level ahead.

The screening tests consider national characteristics, while at the same time feature consistency in many areas of the individual tests.

The screening tests are available to teachers free of charge and are also designed for inclusive settings.

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